The definition of beauty itself implies splendour, magnificence, and exquisiteness. Many perceive these connotations as a reference to physical, beauty is often lost overlooked. It has become materialized into this idea that beauty is only skin deep. That you are only beautiful if your hair is curled, you have the perfect brows, your skin is flawless, you have a nice shape or that your teeth are perfectly white. This is not what makes a person beautiful. To be beautiful there are no guidelines. One’s asset cannot define beauty, for the beauty of the mind, heart and soul defines beauty. With that, there’s nothing else one needs. Imagine a glass of panel filled with mirrors. Inside the glass, an image appears slowly and steadily as it transforms into a shape, this shape is of a young woman, a woman gazing intently into the mirror. Her body language clearly shows that she’s not amused. She appears to be fidgeting as she gazes deeper. Tears are trickling down her cheeks and forming small puddles upon her face. Tissues are shredded around her as her lips quiver trying to hold in her cries, something she has thought to do, to hold it in and create a facade of almost who she is. This young woman represents numerous women who suffer from an unrealistic idea of beauty, beauty ideology that one has to set for oneself often has been influenced by the society, with the belief, that each woman should possess and strive to be. However, if the ideal beauty standard can’t be achieved, it is assumed that the woman has a problem. It is something that many women seem to believe. They believe that there are not beautiful. For this ideal beauty, the standard is not the definition of beauty.
“While yes we want to the Belle of the ball and then be whisked away by our prince charming, take my advice, “prince charming will come, but will fall in love with the beauty of your mind, soul and heart.
The key 🗝️ to remember is to be beautiful and that there are no rules. Be beautiful for yourself and not for others and let your beauty shine through. Let it flow through your very mind, heart and soul. Let others perceive your beauty. Define your beauty and let it be captured by others so that they may define theirs, for your beauty is defined by you and you are the beauty you define.
Wishing you a luxurious and prosperous new year. Written by Hembafan Orsootyo
Supported and published by Mr Lanre Ojurongbe.

Published by hembafanorsootyo

Blogger ( Relationship expert.) Writer Entrepreneur


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