Dating a married man or being in a sexual relationship with a married man is dangerous and of course high risk. You are in high risk relationship that can explode in your face.he can walk out of your life any time and you are working against societal ethics, remember his wife is your number one enemy as well she wants your head so be careful…. There is a high risk when a woman is in a sexual relationship with a married man 👂. The potential for emotional and physical abuse is higher compared with dating a man who is single.For classes of women who are out there dating married men for just the gains they really don’t care about the risk involved.There are five things to consider when before thinking of dating a married man; 1. YOU ARE NOT HIS PRIORITY: A man’s priority is his family and they will always come before you any day,any time,so end the deception.You will never be his priority because he has wife, and he’s got kids he will always be there for them,so if push comes to shove,he will choose them over you.A man knows where his heart is invested so when it comes to choosing DONT THINK YOU WILL BE HIS CHOICE 👂. 2. HE WILL NOT DIVORCE HIS WIFE TO BE WITH YOU: Don’t be stupid, leave all the lies he won’t leave his wife for you 😂 and even if he stupidly does you might not be able to enjoy that companionship cause he will live with the guilt all his him will be totally different from getting married to him.being married to a man is not as same as dating enjoy the outside. 3. KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN 👐: The man is someone’s husband and father,he won’t be there for you when you need him the most,so it’s best to keep your options open in order to find your own. 4. IS THIS LOVE OR OBSERVATION? : Is it real that you are longing after someone else’s husband?it’s time to decline that feeling and make a firm decision. 5. YOU ARE IN HIGH RISK RELATIONSHIP: He can walk out of that relationship any time without restraint, also his wife is your number one enemy she wants your head, you are also working against societal ethics so be careful.every thing just seem against you. LIES THESE MEN TELL LADIES: You might just be curious to know the lies these men tell their mistresses that make them so invested in the affair; it’s time to talk about the lies married men tell ladies to get them- 1. I’M GOING TO LEAVE MY WIFE: 😂😂 This is the mother of all lies and this lie is as old as man himself he is forever trying to leave his wife. 2. IT’S NOT ABOUT SEX: 😂😆😂 Are you a kid?the number one reason on his list for having an affair with you is for sexual gain. 3.I DON’T SLEEP WITH MY WIFE ANYMORE:Since when does not having sex with your wife become a reason to cheat? 4. I CAN’T LEAVE MY WIFE BECAUSE OF MY KIDS; 😕 It’s best you leave that marriage because your kids are caught up with your infidelity and this is hurting those kids. 5. MY MARRIAGE IS UNHAPPY,ITS ENDED LONG TIME AGO: Does your wife knows that the marriage is over? That’s a lie! Come on. 6. YOU GIVE ME PEACE,I WISH I MET YOU BEFORE MY WIFE: You’ve been married for 6 or 10 years were you blind folded?this is just a lie,a bogus lie from the pit of hell, and it’s because he loves his wife and kids. 6.I LOVE YOU: This is a lie,the father of all lies because this cheating man is clearly confused,he doesn’t know the difference between love, infatuation,or even lust and obsession.its just a few good hormones currently pushing,it happens,he is excited 😊 now and the list of lies is endless and it keeps getting updated.. Remember men become emotional just to get sex.

Published by hembafanorsootyo

Blogger ( Relationship expert.) Writer Entrepreneur

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